The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Award
The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the Republic of China (or simply Phi Tau Phi or ΦΤΦ; Chinese: 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會) was founded by American professor Joseph H. Ehlers in 1921 in Peiyang University, China. This Society aims to encourage scholarship, stimulate research, reward scholastic achievement, and form bonds of intellectual and professional fellowship. Phi Tau Phi stands for Philosophia, Technologia, and Physiologia, which collectively represent all disciplines of learning. (
民國十年五月二十五日,我國天津北洋大學美籍教授愛樂斯 ( J . H . Ehlers )致函國內各大學發起全國勵學會之組織,曾名定為斐陶斐,即希臘艾字母 Phi , Tau , Phi 之譯音,用以代表哲學、工學、理學( Philosophia , Technologia , Physiologia ) 三種學術 。
哲學為科學之母 ; 工學即工藝之學,為應用科學 ; 理學即生理學,為純理論科學。本會籌備期間,由愛樂斯氏親任總幹事之職,教育總長范德源、南京高等師範學校校長郭秉文、國立北京大學教授胡適、南開大學校長張伯苓、燕京大學校長司徒雷登、聖約翰大學校長卜舫濟、金陵大學校長包文為第一屆董事會籌備會員。(
On May 25th of the Republic of China, J. H. Ehlers, a Professor of the North American University of Tianjin, wrote a letter to the Chinese universities to sponsor the National Association of Fellowships. Phi, Tau, Phi transliteration, used to represent philosophy, engineering, science (Philosophia, Technologia, Physiologia) three kinds of academic.
Philosophy is the mother of science; engineering is the science of science, for the application of science; science that physiology, purely theoretical science. During the preparatory period, he was appointed by the Director of the Director-General of the University of Peking University, Hu Ping, President of Nankai University, Zhang Boling, President of Yanjing University, Stuart, President of St. John's University Jin, Jinling University President Bao Wen as the first board of directors to prepare members.